Our Approach

‘We provide customized solutions to meet your unique needs’

A robust infrastructure is a requirement for most institutional investors and allocators. Our areas of expertise include finance, operations, fund administration, prime brokerage, seed deal negotiation, investor outreach, tax/audit, technology, legal and compliance. We are commercial thinkers offering practical solutions to meet your specific business needs.

  1. First, we listen — since there is no “one size fits all” model. Then we determine how we can help you. This involves an initial meeting to see how your needs and our capabilities match up. We learn about your firm’s current state, your future plans and we share our "Conditions for Success" philosophy. Together, we will determine the best way to proceed.

  2. Next, we assess where your needs and our capabilities overlap. This may require further discussions to determine to what extent our services can help to optimize your non-investment requirements.

  3. Once we have a complete understanding of your needs, we will provide a plan of how we can best work together.